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About Alanya

About Alanya

About Alanya

info About Alanya:

Alanya is a historical city, which was a rare city which had been hosting pirates in ancient times, Byzantine period derebale and finally ascended to the capital during the period of Anatolian Seljuks.

Alanya was located between Pamphylia and Cilicia in ancient times. According to Heradot, the people of this region are descended from the people who dispersed in Anatolia after the Trojan war. In the researches (Kadıini Cave 1957), it was understood that the first settlement dates back to the upper paleotic period 20,000 years ago.      

The first known name in history is Coracesium. It was under the invasion of Persians in 4th century BC. Then it became the shelter of the pirates. Although the king of Seleki invaded the city in 139 BC, he could not escape being the shelter of pirates. In 65 BC the Roman commander Magnus Pompeius joined the Roman Empire and the city was named after the Byzantine period with the collapse of Rome.

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